Saturday, May 2, 2015

WW Weigh In....Shocker

Gosh it's been so long!  We moved and then I had a hysterectomy and I've been VERY lazy about catching up with my weigh fact, I've missed a few meetings.  Do you know what happens when you miss a WW weigh in?  You get a friendly text from your leader...."want me to come weigh you?"  The first time I missed, I was on call at the hospital - in the Operating Room saving lives doing paperwork when I suddenly realized it was Saturday and I was going to miss my meeting!  During a brief break I shot her a text - "Can't make it, in surgery."  But this WW program is an At Work program so she knew the lingo....the circumstances of being on call...she knew surgery didn't last forever so.....she texted back.  "I'll wait for you."  Oh crap.  She's going to wait for me.  
My uterus's Farewell Party
So, I didn't miss my weigh in.  She waited patiently for me in the waiting room (how appropriate) with her $900 scale plugged in and ready.  In under 30 seconds I had weighed in, got my WW weekly pamphlet, had her record my weight AND got my little sticker.  The next week my husband took my keys.  I was stuck at home.  I texted her..."so sorry..."  She answered.  "I'll be right over!"  What?  She was coming to my house to weigh me? Yes.  Indeed.  And there we were at my house, her pen marking my success, high fives on my front porch.  "We don't want you to lose momentum," she explained of her willingness to meet me anywhere, at anytime.  Then I had surgery - goodbye uterus!  I was hoping it weighed 25 pounds but alas, it only weighed 133 grams.  Did I make it to weigh in?  No.  Did she come to me again?  She did.  I started to feel pretty special.  I am convinced that if Osama Bin Laden had been a WW member,  - his leader would've found him within the week.  There is no hiding from the WW scale once you hold yourself accountable.  And I'm okay with that.
20 pounds.  That's how much I've lost so far.  I hit a plateau.  She told me I needed to shock my system.
"With pizza?" I asked.
"No, maybe exercise," she answered.
"What about a hysterectomy, would that shock my system?"  No, because I'm 3 weeks post-op and still, not shocked.  But it's okay...I haven't gained.  I'm good with holding steady because 20 pounds lighter feels good.  You know what my favorite thing is about weighing less?  It doesn't take nearly as long to shave my legs.  I'm saving a fortune in shaving cream and razors.
I digress.
According to the little WW chart, I'm a pound or two away from "maintenance" which means, they'll add points to my daily consumption - I'll be "done".  Can you believe it?  So I'm holding my breath and counting every point until my next weigh in...and if I fail....I'll know by exactly by how many ounces....because she will find me....and she will weigh me....and it shall be recorded....and I'm okay with that....because I know, she's rooting for me.

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