Saturday, February 7, 2015

Weight Watchers Weigh In...Week One

Hey It's me Rhonda.  You probably don't recognize me because:
I'VE LOST SIX POINT TWO POUNDS. 6.2lbs.  Six. Point. Two.  And I know the point two is correct because Weight Watchers uses a thousand dollar, mind-reading scale each week to weigh us.
That's almost a pound a day I've lost.
It's only been one week and I'm no expert but here are a few things I've observed about WW.  First of all, late night runs to Taco Bell aren't as fun as they used to be.

After a long day this past week, dinner time came around and my husband decided to make the usual Taco Box run.  But wait.  I only had 4 points left for my day.  So I pulled out my little WW app and to my surprise....Taco Bell is not very WW friendly.  I had to settle for a Chicken Chalupa.  Who orders that?  Ever?  Desperate fat people with the WW app....that's who!  I also discovered that no matter how hard I try, I can not fit a full pan of walnut brownies into 3 WW points.  Also, a salad is not always the best choice.  Especially if you're at Newk's.  Just for the fun of it, I calculated the points on my favorite "go to" combo meals at my beloved Wendy's.  My spicy chicken combo...I thought I'd control myself and type in "medium" instead of my usual "large."
I learned that one combo meal at Wendy's accounted for one whole day of my 26 points.
That means, I should be dividing it into thirds and eating one third for breakfast, lunch and then dinner to stay within the WW guidelines.  Are they asking too much?  Or are we just gluttoness combo lovers?  I think the latter.  I also learned that the WW app with its 24/7 chat helpline is a bit iffy.  There I was, at Huddle House (who among us has not been to a waffle specialty truck stop?), when I found myself needing point values for a Golden Waffle with's not on their app under I searched for the equivalent: Waffle House.  No where to be found.  How could this be?  Don't they know people who attend WW are going to find themselves at a fine dining Waffle establishment within the first week?  I hit my chat line up.  She answered.  I texted out my dilemma.  No Huddle House, I said.  No Waffle House either. 
"Are those local places that only your area has?  Maybe you should try the next best chain restaurant."  That was her answer.  And that's when it dawned on my that Hillary from Omaha whose bio says she lost 45 pounds was actually probably Mr. Patel from India working the phone lines. Who doesn't know Waffle House is a chain?  I digress.
At the meeting we were given tiny little stickers if we lost 5 pounds or more.  If I had known there were going to be prizes, I would've worked harder.  The .003 cent sticker felt like an Olympic Gold Medal.  That's the upside of the meeting.  The downside of the meeting is still the whiny, attention-seeking guy who says he feels trapped by the points.  But I can't hear him because the sound of my shrinking rear end drowns out all negativity concerning this WW gig.  Boundaries are good.  You can find freedom inside them.  I hope he gets it soon.
Am I off to a good start? Yes.  Can I keep up this pace?  I don't know.  But I just discovered that you can put 3 tablespoons of cake mix and 2 of water in a coffee mug for one minute in the microwave and it makes a little 3 point cake!  Maybe it's only a few bites but I'm discovering, a few bites is plenty.

First WW Blog Here

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